例えば もしこの夜 僕が君を 失ったとしても
忘れないよ 僕は君を 愛しているから
短いKissを そっと交わすと 月明かりの中に
やわらかく感じるたび こぼれる愛情
笑い声とか 悲しい顔も 沢山見て来たけど
初めて見たその姿は 僕をとまどわせた
カギかけて そっと 心の中に…
ありがとうさえも 君の心に届けてなくて
果てなく続く 線路の中に 君は何を思うの
忘れないで その心のそばに そっと居させて
悔しい気持ち 闇に隠して ふざけていたあの頃
退屈な大人になる 予定だったけど
カギかけてた 心 そっと開けて
ありがとうという言葉 君に今届くかな?
果てなく続く 線路の中に 君は何を思うの
忘れないで その心のそばに そっと居させて
君との日々 そっと 思い返しては
一人じゃないこと 君が僕に教えてくれた
君が苦しいときは 誰より味方になると決めた
忘れないで 僕は君を 愛して…
例えば もしこの夜 僕が君を 失ったとしても
忘れないよ 僕は君を 愛しているから
忘れないで 僕は君を 愛しているから
Aishiteiru kara
Tatoeba moshi kono yoru boku ga kimi wo ushinatta toshitemo
Wasurenaiyo boku wa aishiteiru kara
mijikai kisu wo sotto kawasu to tsukiakari no naka ni
yawarakaku kanjiru tabi koboreru aijou
Waraigoe to ka kanashii kao mo takusan mitekita kedo
Hajimete miru sono sugata wa boku wo tomadowaseta
Kagi kakete sotto kokoro no naka ni
Arigatou sae mo kimi no kokoro ni todoketenakute
Hatenaku tsuzuku michi no naka ni kimi wa nani o omou no
Wasurenaide sono kokoro no soba ni sotto isasete
Kuyashii kimochi yami ni kakushite fuzaketeita ano koro
Taikutsu na otona ni naru yotei datta kedo
Kagi kaketeta kokoro sotto akete
Arigatou to iu kotoba kimi ni ima todoku ka na?
Hatenaku tsuzuku michi no naka ni kimi wa nani o omou no
Wasurenaide sono kokoro no soba ni sotto isasete
Kimi to no hibi sotto omoikaeshite wa
Hitori janai koto kimi ga boku ni oshiete kureta
Kimi ga kurushii toki wa dare yori mikata ni naru to kimeta
Wasurenaide boku wa kimi o aishite...
Tatoeba moshi kono yoru boku ga kimi o ushinatta toshitemo
Wasurenaiyo boku wa kimi o aishiteiru kara
Wasurenaide boku wa kimi o aishiteiru kara
Because I love you
Even if, for example, I was to lose you tonight
I wouldn't forget, because I love you
When we quietly exchange a kiss, in the light of the moon
Love overflows everytime I feel your soft lips
Your laughing voice, your sad face too, I've seen a lot of things about you but
Your image when I first saw you was what left me at a loss
Locked up, quiet, inside my heart
Not even my “thank you” can reach your heart
In the middle of this track that continues endlessly, what are you thinking?
Don't forget, let me stay by the side of that heart
Hiding away the feelings of regret in the darkness, I was just playing during that time
Even though I was supposed to become a boring adult
Quietly opening the heart I had locked up
I wonder if the words “thank you” will reach you
In the middle of this track that continues endlessly, what are you thinking?
Don't forget, let me stay by the side of that heart
I quietly look back at the days I spent with you
You were the one who taught me that I'm not alone
I've made up my mind to become your nearest ally whenever you have difficult times
Don't forget, I love you...
Even if, for example, I was to lose you tonight
I wouldn't forget, because I love you
Don't forget that I love you
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