This is my third post today. wow haha. By the way, I just checked my e-mail and I saw my inbox then I received an e-mail from Johnny's. It talks about three things and one of those things is about Hey!Say!JUMP SUMMARY 2011!
Well, Summary 2011!!!!
awwww, I'm so excited about it. I can't wait it yo~!
check it here
source: Johnny's International emailing service
Tokyo Sinfonietta - Yamashita Tomohisa

Well, my second post today. haha. okay, I've cut 2011.05.13 Shounen Club and I've uploaded Tokyo Sinfonietta. I think it's too late to share this now but better late than never, right? haha.
click HERE to download it.
password: yamapits
raw: shokura@lj
Please do not upload to any streaming site! (I warn you!)
No hotlink! just link back here!
Credit me if you re-post this entry!
Screw - Hey!Say!BEST

I've converted Screw from 2011.05.28 Yan Yan JUMP livestage. Okay, to the point.
click HERE (format mp3)
password: hsbscrew
No hotlink! Just link back here!
Credit me if you share this song!
Thanks and enjoy the song.
HU! HA! HU! HA! (imitating Yuto, Chinen, and Yamada) yeeaah~ it's a new song from Hey!Say!7 ユー・ガッタ・モール (You Got More). I ripped this song from 2011.05.21 Yan Yan JUMP Livestage and I've already uploaded it.
Just click HERE to download it!
Password: (my name!)
Just click HERE to download it!
Password: (my name!)
No hotlink! Just link back here!
Credit me if you share this song!
Thanks and enjoy the song!
HU! HA! HU! HA! lol
Hey!Say!JUMP SPメドレー 『愛ingアイシテル&スクール革命』

School Kakumei 2011.05.22 livestage
Type of File: AVI File
File Size: 88,28 MB
Resolution: 1280x720
Please do not upload to any streaming site! (I warn you!)
No hotlink! just link back here!
Full credit if you re-post this entry!
Hey!Say!JUMP - Over (Kanji+Romaji lyric and Translation)

Kanji Lyric with translation
Let’s walk together, together!
Together, together
近頃元気ないじゃん Over
Lately things haven’t been that well, Over
Filled with worry, feeling tired, Over
If it were for I would have heard it, Over
At our usual place, at 7Oclock, Over
Our Family , the people , out of manners, Over
(RAP Part)
The wind of future destination is still uncovered, the before and after of my folded feeling, OVER
We all do believe it, yes and me even so
Those overflow tears that filled our lives.
Future もっと感じたい
Future… I want to feel it more
Future もっと信じたい
Future …. I want to believe it more
Future もっと見上げたい
Future… I want to look forward to it
ピンチはチャンスなんだMy friend
Somehow, pinch is a chance, My friend
ふれついてんならSTAND BY YOU
If you fall down, I Stand by you
ピンボケ未来なんてGOOD BYE
What is that unclear future , Goodbye
ほら光が見えたよ 悲しみIT’S OVER
Look, the light is seen, the sadness is OVER
ボクラハ。 いつでも。デキナイ。 コトナド。 ヒトツモ。ナイノサ
We always don’t have anything that we can’t do
そう未来が待ってろ, 俺はいつでも味方からwith you
Such future is wait for us, I’ll always support you
This part is repeated(you can see the ones before)
ピンチはチャンスなんだMy friend
ふれついてんならSTAND BY YOU
ピンボケ未来なんてGOOD BYE
ほら光が見えたよ 悲しみIT’S OVER
Romaji Lyric
Tomo ni tomo ni aruite ikou
Tomo ni tomo ni
Chikagoro genki nai jan Over
Nayami darake de 「tsukareten dayo」 OVER
Ore de ii nara kiku kedo OVER
Itsumo no basho ni chichi(7)ji de OVER
Kazoku tannin ozanari OVER
Hikaru Rap: Yomenai ashita no kaze no yukisaki kimochi oreru jibun no atosaki OVER
Minna sou ore date sou sa OVER
Afureta namida wa muda ni sunna
Future motto kanjitai
Future motto shinjitai
Future motto miagetai
Pinchi wa chansu nanda My friend
Fure zuriten nara STAND BY YOU
Pinboke mirai nante GOOD BYE
Hora hikari ga mieta yo kanashimi IT’S OVER
Bokura wa. Itsudemo. Dekinai. koto nado . hitotsu mo. nai no sa
Sou mirai ga matte iru
Ore wa itsudemo mikata kara .. with you
Pinchi wa chansu nanda My friend
Furezuri ten nara STAND BY YOU
Pin boke mirai nante GOOD BYE
Hora hikari ga mieta yo kanashimi IT’S OVER
Tomoni tomoni aruite ikou
Tomoni tomoni aruite ikou
Tomoni tomoni aruite ikou
Tomoni tomoni
Love is Over
credit to aya-no-michi@LJ
FULL CREDIT if you re-post this entry!

Yan Yan JUMP today was so GREAT!
Finally, mission 5 cleared! Chinen!!! YOKATTA!!! ^o^
Yabu, Hikaru, Yuto, Yuri, Yamada performed Over~! well, just five of them~ where's the other member??? I wonder...

YUTO!!!! WHY YOU SO SEXY DEAR??? GOSH!!! I'm being crazy!!!
Still Doll (Kanon Wakeshima) covered by Aditchwan

oh well, I decided to uploaded this unimportant thing and share it here then. haha. I uploaded this thing because my friend, Fei, wanted to hear my voice. oh well again, I decided to record my voice because I just want my friend, Nura who really wanted to hear my voice, heard my voice. LOL. yeah, we did skype-ing once and you know what? I'm interested with her voice and Nura is interested with my voice. LOL. Then she invited me to join her group which do covering vocaloid song. Hmmm I'm excited about it. hehe. well, we do it just for fun dude~! ^^
ne ne, if you want to hear (and give a comment or more) my (terrible) voice, just click HERE and HERE to download it~!
I appreciate you if you give a critic or just comment my (terrible) voice. hehe ^o^
P.S: It's a very very very low quality video~! lol

Yeah, Hikaru spoke Indonesian *again* in Yan Yan JUMP 2011.04.30 SP Medley. YEEY~! Great! I like his accent. It sounds cute then. ^^ Hmmm I found some error words. Just look at the picture below.

It should be Selamat Datang not Salamat Datang. Selamat datang means welcome. As I know, Salamat is Tagalog and it means thank you. Am I wrong? Okay, another error. Hikaru said Selamat Datang. Apa kabar? Baik-baik saja but the subtitle or lyric or whatever which written on the video is Salamat Datang, Bagaimana kabarmu? Aku baik-baik saja. Hmmm but it's okay then. haha. All I can say now is.... I love your accent Hikaruuuuu~! LOL /rotf
Oh well then, I've cut Yan Yan JUMP 2011.04.30 live stage 「ありがとう」~世界のどこにいても~ (full show video credit to Simile and thank you to Lisa, my friend in lj, who always shares Yan Yan JUMP HD version oh I love you tomodachi ^^) and I've already uploaded it.
Enjoy it~
Type of file - AVI
High Definition - 1280 x 720
Size - 125 MB
Comments and reactions are ♥ v(^~^)v
Please DO NOT upload to any streaming site! (I warn you!)
No hotlink! just link back here!
FULL CREDIT if you re-post this entry!

I won't upload School Kakumei and Yan Yan JUMP (full show) until a week later. My internet connection sucks! /sad. Hmm, I have to go to my sister's office to download and upload something once two weeks. Well, She works in Satellite Office. Hoho~! I want to download some anime and dorama then I want to enjoy watching it. Ohohohoho. Well (again), I just want to tell you about this. lol.
Lately, I'm so frustrated because I can't convert some videos (also about my internet connection ASDFGHJKL). AH!! I can't understand how to use Audacity. NYAAAAA~! I want to cover a song (or more haha) especially vocaloid songs. I have a project with my friend about Vocaloid. gggrrr we made this project last year but..... I messed that project! hahaha. /rotf Hmm.. I have to search Audacity tutorial soon (who cares about it?) lol.
Well (again lol), I'll try to upload School Kakumei and Yan Yan JUMP High Definition version since now eh no no since a week later when the connection is good enough to do uploading and when I have (God damn much) free time. eh, I almost forgot! I'm active on Tumblr~! So, see you on my Tumblr~ haha.
Ah!! It's already May deshou? GOSH!!!! EXAM IS COMING!!! It will be held on June!!! hmmm Maybe I won't be active until exams finish. WISH ME LUCK!!!
Again, I'm sorry I will be late for sharing something (blame the Internet connection ggrrr) <(_ _)>
2011年5月1日 スクール革命
投稿 (Atom)